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Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't Try, Just Do

The last week or so Adonai (the Lord) has really been pointing out to me one of the reasons we (the Bride) have so many problems during our walk and a weak witness. We keep trying. That’s it, we keep trying. Where in Scripture does it tell us to try?
About a week ago a young adult Christian brother was talking to me regarding the appearance “feelings” between him and my little sister. He spoke about how girls don’t see things they way we guys to and misinterpret when a guy is “nice” to them and they think that means we (guys) have feelings for them. Needless to say his blaming my sister ticked me off. Thankfully I...
to read the whole post, go to and click the blog button on the top right.

Shabbot Shalom, have a peaceful day of rest

Friday, February 12, 2010

Conformed or Transformed?

Conformed or Transformed?

I’d like to take a refreshing look at a very familiar verse. Elohim (God) has really been speaking this to me the last few weeks, and for good reason (as all His reasons are of course). What really prompted Him was something I lied about to a group of other Believers, as well as some marital issues going on with a friend of mine and his wife.”

I was with a group of believers and everyone was talking about what they listen to on long drives when their all alone. After some of them answered I was surprised of the response of listening to secular music. I was sitting there thinking about answering truthfully and how my answer would affect their thoughts about me. I basically lied about listening to secular music, specifically jazz. I implied that I frequently listen to jazz. Although I do like jazz, I probably listen to it maybe two times a year and then only for about 20 minutes before my spirit says “worship Elyon (The Most High God). So truthfully, I mainly listen to Bible teaching/preaching podcast by a couple of my favorite teachers, Jack Hayford and Derek Prince, listed link’s page on the bottom left, and worship music. But I’d lied all the same. Funny how we do that, pretend to do or be something we’re not for other people, and for a variety of reasons. I’m not going to discuss the reasons here, no, mainly just the verse the Lord spoke into my spirit and how we (me) go one way or the other. So the question is; Are we Conformed or Transformed?

Rom 12:1 – I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God (Elohim), that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God (Elohim), which is your reasonable service. 2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Elohim).

So I’ve been thinking about myself, the Bride, and examples in Scripture and whether I’m Conforming or Transforming. I’ve either been all these, or am in one place or the other now. Where are you? Conformed (to the world and it’s way of thinking )? Or Transformed (to Elohim and His Way of thinking – having the Mind of Messiah 1Cor 2:16b)? As King David wrote in the first Psalm, vs 1-2, Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the Torah (Law) of Yahweh (the LORD); and in his Torah (Law) doth he meditate day and night. Torah (teaching or instruction, translated into English as Law); that which shows The Way to live and to please Yahweh (the LORD), and to fulfill it. We can not think wrong and live right, nor can we think right and live wrong (Gal 5:16). Our thinking determines the course of our lives (Gal 5:25).

I’ll briefly list some thoughts here, I hope to have them in more detail underDiscipleship on the main web page within the week. Then the entire verses listed below will visible for those who not have the time to look them up themselves.

C=Conformed Mind T=Transformed Mind

C-ask Yahweh (the LORD) why aren’t you working in my life?

T-stirs up his/her gift Elohim (God) has placed inside themselves. 2 Tim1:6

C-gets tired of waiting on the LORD (YHVH/Yahweh) and turns to their own ways. Exo 32:7-8 – golden calf.

T-refuses to let go of Adonai (the Lord) until He receives a blessing, no matter the cost. Gen 32:24-26 – Jacob wrestling with Adonai (the Lord).

C-thinks they have enough of God already “stored up.” Lk 12:19

T-keeps digging into the limitless knowledge and presence of the eternal limitless El (God) Isa 55:9.

C-seeks counsel from young friends like King Rehoboam, which encourage you to be selfish and foolish in your decisions. 1Kgs 12:9-11 – led to the division of the Kingdom of an entire nation, Israel.

T-seeks wise Godly counsel from those more knowledgeable and experienced than themselves, as Moses received from his father in law Jethro Exo 18:19-24.

C-braggs, is pridefull. Gen 37:5 Joseph bragging about the dreams Elohim was giving him.

T-keeps some things to themselves and treasures them. Lk 2:19 Miryam (Mary) – Yeshua’s (Jesus’) momma.

C-whines about the situation they are in.

T-Praises Elohim for their situation, even if the’ve been betrayed by those closest to them. Gen 50:20 – Joseph speaking to his brothers after years of slavery and imprisonment.

C-are glad they’re not like others, sinners, those worse than themselves. Lk 18:11-12 – the Pharisee (GK-pharisaios, presbyteros/Elder).

T-knows he/she must call on Elohim for His mercy, that they’d not receive what they deserve, but would receive what they don’t. Lk 18:13 the publican.

C-the more I see the more I want. Pro 27:20

T-are content with what they have. Heb 13:5

C-fears man and mans opinion of them. Jno 9:22 the healed blind mans parents, fearing being kicked out of the Synagogue (Church) for speaking Truth.

T-Fears (reverently) El Hay (the Living God), and chooses rather to obey Him. Acts 5:29 Kefa (Peter) after being imprisoned by the religious “leaders” for speaking Truth.

C-doubt if and/or when Messiah is going to return. 2Kefa/Pet 3:4 – Peter writing to Christians, about Christians in the last days.

T-not only are expecting Messiahs return, but are anxiously awaiting it. 2 Tim 4:8 – Paul stating we have crowns waiting to be placed on our heads.

C-is a lustful, adulteress murdering mind.

T-acknowledges their sin and repents – turns about face (180), back to God and away from their sinful desires. Lk 13:3, Acts 3:19, 17:30.

C-wants Adonai (the Lord) to judge and punish. Jonah 1:3, running from his duty to obey Yahweh (the LORD) in telling Nineveh to repent, lest they be destroyed.

T-includes themselves in their nations sins and ask Elohim (God) for mercy. Dan 9:3-19 – Daniel begging to Yahweh Eloheynu (the LORD our God) for mercy for his and his peoples sins.

C-have bought into the modern day lie that there is more than one way to Heaven/God. Matt 7:13 broad is the way that leads to the hot lake.

T-knows Yeshua (Jesus) and He ALONE is THE ONLY WAY to Heaven/God. Matt 7:14 – narrow is the way, Jno 14:6 – Yeshua states plainly that He is THE ONLY WAY!

C-questions just what it is that God has said (mainly from not knowing Him, His Word, and His Voice). Gen 3:1 – the serpent (HaSatan-the adversary) asking Eve “hath Elohim said…?”

T-knows the Shepherds voice (Jno 10:27) and call out to him “Here am I, send me.” Isa 6:8.

C- wants a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or some other medical professional to deliver/heal them.

T-seeks Yeshua for healing and deliverance. Interesting note; we have no examples in Scripture of anyone being healed by any doctor, but multitudes being healed by Ad0nai (the Lord). Also interesting note; In Exodus 15:26 Elohim (God) states “I am Yahweh (the LORD) that healeth thee.” The same word “healeth” is the modern hebrew word for Doctor. Somewhere we exchanged Him for man. Too bad

C-only sees with their physical eyes and looks at the visible world around them.

T-sees not only with the physical, but sees also the spiritual. I heard a story onFocus On The Family (bottom right of links page), in which a witch doctor in the Rain Forest not only knew who Yahweh is, but told the missionary “I know who you serve, the enemy, the One who sits on that Throne that has the river flowing out of it.” He not only knows who El Hay (Living God) is, but has seen His Throne. We should be jealous, and more seeking in our relationship with Adonai.

C-man/woman flirts with others (whether we’re already married or not).

T-keeps himself/herself clean and shuns all appearance of evil (1Ths 5:22). When the former NBA basketball player David “The Admiral” Robinson (a follower of Messiah/Christ) of the San Antonio Spurs was asked why he was so rude to female fans his response was incredible. He stated, “if someone is going to get their feelings hurt, it’s not going to be my wife. That’s transformed!

C-Thinks their parents owe them something or that when they doing something for their parents it’s a “gift.” Mark 7:11

T-Honors their Father and Mother, not because they are right, but because Elohim is and has promised blessings for it. Eph 6:1-2.

C-sins and doubt the rain (judgement) is coming. The Flood

T-Builds an Ark (is prepared-obeys the voice of Adonai).

C-laughs when Adonai promises the impossible. Gen 18:12 Sara laughed when she heard she was going to be a mother, since she was 90 years old, well past conception age.

T-says “be it unto me according to thy word.” Miryam (Mary) when told that although she was a virgin she was to give birth to a child. Luk 1:38

C-senses no urgency, or even slight obedience, to the Great Commission. Matt 28:19 How many times do we not share the Gospel with others? Maybe we just don’t think it’s “Good News.”

T-not only senses the urgency, but even if they don’t realize the Great Commission wasn’t a request to some, but a Command to all.

C-is lazy, looks, lust, deceives, and even kills if necessary to get what he/she wants. 2Sam 11:2-4, 8, 15, 17. David not going to war, lusting after anothers wife, deceives her husband, then murders him.

T-confesses/admits his sin and repents and ask for something he doesn’t have, a clean heart. Psalm 51:10 King David’s Psalm of repentance. In Hebrew David isn’t asking Elohim to clean/renew his heart. He was asking Elohim to create something out of nothing (like Gen 1:1) and place it inside of him – a clean heart.

C-wants their spouse to be Godly towards them, wants their own needs met.

T-esteems the other above themselves (Phillipians 2:3) and seeks to meet the needs of the other. If everyone sought to meet the needs of another, who’s needs wouldn’t be met? No ones!

C-wants justice when wrong is done to them, ie eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

T-loves their enemies – Matt 5:44, Rom 12:20

C-feels they deserve respect, and therefore demands and/or expects it.

T-knows the only way to be greatest is to be least. Luke 22:26 – Yeshua telling His Talmidim (disciples) not to be like the goyim (gentiles). If you’re a gentile follower of Yeshua, guess what, you’ve been grafted in – spiritually. Rom 2:29

He (the enemy) is not named HaSatan (the adversary) for nothing. The title devil also desribes him well – diabolos: one who cast himself between two in order to separate them (Spiros Zohhiates Th.D – Hebrew Greek Study Bible lexicon).

Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of Elohim (God), that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohim (God), which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim (God).

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Leviticus 11:45 For I am Yahweh (the LORD) that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim (God): ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.

1Peter 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Papa, make us the men and women, boys and girls, husbands and wife’s, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, The Bride of Messiah, that You want us to be.

Transform us. Transform me.