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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Honored Father!

I'm an honored father. Honored to be the father on one of our Fathers daughters. My eldest daughter, now 19, displayed her spiritual maturity a couple of weeks ago, I'd like to share the story with you.

I love my daughters, both of them. I pray for them, their husbands (to be), their marriages, their children and grandchildren. I've spent countless nights without sleeping thinking about and praying about them, my eldest in particular. As a father, following the Father of Lights, I've taught my daughters about Adonai (the Lord), His Word, living for Him, honoring Him, and most importantly - Knowing Him in a personal intimate way. That said, here's what happened.

Over the last year to year and a half, my eldest daughter had gotten extremely disrespectful to me and my wife. She'd grown increasingly manipulative, causing much contention between my wife and I. She was also very selfish and rebellious. I've lost many nights of sleep praying about what to do. She plans on attending a Bible College this fall but her behavior was anything but Christlike. My sweet perfect loving respectful beloved daughter was driving me bonkers. She lives in our guest house, so as to try to give her more freedom and teach her independance. After all, she will be gone someday and this I know is the best for both parent and child. While living here she only has four things she needs to do. 1. Pay her small rent which mainly covers her electricity usage. 2. Keep the house clean, not spotless but not a dump. 3. Make time for fellowship with other believers, to include a weekly Bible study as a family. 4. Honor, as in respect, her father and mother. Well, one out of four isn't bad. Or is it? I knew what was causing the majority of her problem, she was not fellowshipping. Not with believers, her family, or most importantly - Elohim (God). She hadn't been to church for about three months. Almost anytime we had to do our weekly family Bible study she managed to get out of it with other plans. She was spiritually starving herself to death and the effects were obvious, not only in her but in how it affected the whole family. I prayed and prayed, as I have been for the last year and a half, "Papa, what do I do?" I'd thought about kicking her out, but being that I already worried about her I didn't want to worry even more. At least here I knew she was safe. I thought if only we can hang on until she gets to Bible College. I know she was thinking the same thing. The problem is, when we, as followers of Messiah, keep ourselves away from Him and fellowship with other believers we become weak.

After laying awake in prayer all night I came to a decision, she had to move out. It was time for her to be on her own. After all, her behavior showed that is what she wanted, to be completely independent. I decided it was time to help her do just that. I was rather surprised what happened to me later that morning. I had this un-explainable inner peace. God peace. I hadn't felt such peace for a long time. I was very thankful to Elohim (God) for His peace. As His word states in Phillipians 4:7 - And the shalom of Elohim (peace of God), which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Indeed, the peace I felt did pass all understanding. Odd how Elohim can give us such inner peace, even when we have to do or say something which we don't want to do because of fear. Hey, it just hit me, 1 Yochanan-John- 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. Todah Abba. That explains the peace. It was time to talk with my beloved about it, and then inform my daughter of my decision.

Know I know it's hard being a teenager, I remember my own teen years. Stuck between being not a child anymore, yet not really an adult either. I think Adonai may have made the teen years as such so children would have a desire to leave home on their own, and as parents we would want them to go. But being an adult I also know that life isn't as easy as you think it is when you're a teenager. Rather, it's not easy at all. Neither was what I was going to tell my eldest, but she had to go. I knew she was just toying with sin, trying to just get close to the flames without getting burnt until she got to school. Then everything would be back to Jesus Jesus Happy Happy. I've done that, you always get burnt. As I heard one preacher say, "sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay." Indeed it will, every time.

So, after talking with Amy she and I sat down with our daughter to tell her. This is what I told her, as well as I remember. All day the story of Cain and Abel, concerning their bringing sacrifices to Yahweh (the LORD). Cain was mad because Yahweh did not have respect on his offering of the fruit of the ground. Cain was very angry and had a sad countenance and Yahweh asked him why he was so mad with the long sad face. Yahweh told him that if he (Cain) did what was right he would be accepted of Him, but if he chose not to then sin lieth at the door and desires you but you must master sin. (Gen 4:3-7) We know from the next verse that Cain chose to allow sin to master him instead of him mastering it. The choice is ours. Yeshua (Jesus) broke the curse of sin and has restored the choice to us. You are legally an adult now. You can do what you want to do. Elohim (God) has given us all free will, to choose. He won't make you obey and neither will I. I can't make you be respectful of your mother and I. I can't make you go to church. I can't make you do Bible study with us. I can't make you pray. I can't make you read your Bible on your own. These choices are yours and you've chose not to do them. However, we discussed these when we agreed to let you move into the guest house. I understand now about the story of the momma bird kicking the baby bird out of the nest. It's apparently your time to fly, to be on your own. I love you, you're always welcome here but you need to experience life on you own right now. I'll always worry about you, I've learned that will never end no matter how old you get. That's just part of being a parent. But I can't watch you undo everything Adonai (the Lord) has done through your mother and I. I'll always pray for you but you must choose to follow Yahweh (the LORD), His Word, His Way and your own. The choice is up. I can't make you be a Christian and Elohim (God) won't make you. I want Elohim to bless you but He can't when you won't obey Him and His Word. He won't contradict His Word, He can't. His love is unconditional. His blessings are not.

She said she was expecting it and thought it would probably be better for her little sister if she moved out. She said she had thought about moving out but knew she wouldn't do it unless we made her do it. I knew she was upset, though not nearly as upset as my wife and youngest daughter were. I felt rather odd afterwards, the rest of the night, and throughout the next day - I still had this incredible peace. I didn't want my baby to leave. Although often I can't wait, generally I dread the thought. But I know, only Adonai (the Master) can truly protect her, body, soul and spirit.

I spoke with a few friends about the whole matter, men, husbands and fathers themselves. I was surprised that they told me the same thing. They said they knew it was very hard and they were proud of me. They stated they knew it was a very hard decision, as sometimes things which Elohim commands us as fathers to are. They were encouraged to see another father obey The Father. Todah Abba for the encouragement, you never leave us without confirmation, comfort and encouragement for standing upon You.

Throughout that next day Elohim continued to remind me how He always gives me "an out." You know, the whole 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. No matter my choice, obedience or rebellion, He always gives me an out, always. His mercy is new every moment of every day, all we have to do is choose - His Way.

I shared this with my eldest later that day. I wanted her to know, she had an out just as Abba always gives all His children, the choice was hers. Now comes the "Honored Father" part of all this.

She asked me later that day if she could stay. She apologized for being so disrespectful to me and for being so selfish. She said that after our previous talk she was really afraid and seriously cried out to Elohim. She remembered being at the camp this summer where she plans on attending Bible College. Adonai (the Lord) told her of how He wanted to bless her life and use her to bring Him honor and glory. But, He told her it was dependent upon her treatment and submission to her earthly father, me. I'd forgotten as well that she'd shared that with me when we were driving home from the airport upon her return. She said she knew the devil was trying to ruin all of the plans Elohim had for her and her life, and that he'd succeed if she left home before it was time. She said she would make a serious effort to be respectful of me and her mother and make time for fellowship, prayer and reading Abba's Word.

So, I am indeed an honored father. I'm honored our Father has entrusted me with his daughter. A daughter who listens to The Father, hers and mine. It takes spiritual maturity to suck up your pride, humble yourself, and obey Yahweh (the LORD). We followers of Yeshua say it, but how often do we do it? As Yeshua himself stated - And why call ye me, Adonai, Adonai (Lord, Lord), and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46) As well as verse 44 of the same chapter - For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

We are indeed known by our fruit. Yahweh, help us to bear much fruit for you by your planting, watering and growing the fruit of Your Word Yeshua in us and through us. In my beloved daughter of Elyon (Most High God), bear much fruit. So if you know her, pray for her. Yeshua has huge plans for her. I know, he almost took me out of the way (as in from earth) for considering getting in His way of them. HaSatan (the adversary - the devil) seeks to hinder her. Pray she won't let him. Pray she walks in the Spirit, obedient to The Word and masters sin. His power is in her to to it, as it's been made available to us all.

The choice is hers. The choice is mine. The choice is yours. The choice is ours. Choose!
