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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Meeting Toby Mac, How We Influence Others

Shalom. As many of you know, Sara and I went to see Toby Mac in concert a few weeks ago. If you listen to Christian music then you know Toby Mac is probably the biggest Christian artist there is. He also has his own record production label out there which produces a large amount of the music you hear on the radio. We also got to meet him and speak with him for awhile. We went for Sara's Christmas present from her mother and I. We purchased VIP tickets, which as far as I knew was simply to get seats up front. If you know Sara, you know she loves Toby Mac, he's by far her favorite musician. What I want to share is how our being obedient to Elohim (God) allows Him to touch more people than we are ever aware of.

For several days leading up to the concert I had some things on my heart which I really wanted to share with Toby. Mostly words of encouragement. I also wanted to pray for him and his family. While we were en-route, driving through Idaho, I started praying. I told Yeshua I really wanted to talk with Toby and if it was His will would He please somehow make it possible. I knew that He would, if it was His will. This has happened to me before, where He's allowed me to speak with Toby several years ago, Rebecca St. James, and Jeff Deyo (original singer for Sonic Flood). I've witnessed how each time Adonai (the Lord) used me to bless and encourage them, as He did with me by answering my prayer. Well guess what, He did it again!

Little known to me at the time, but our VIP tickets meant we, and about thirty other people, were going to privately meet Toby before the concert. Sara and Toby talked about music and her playing. She expects to open for him someday, of which I'm sure she will. I got to share with Toby why I liked him so much. Basically I told him I appreciated that he left no doubt as to who he is singing to whom he is singing about. I shared with him that I'm not big on grey areas, in myself or in general. Either be hot or cold, not lukewarm. Be who Elohim has called you to be, and what He's created you to be. I don't remember everything I said to him but that's the jest of it. I did give him one of our hats from In The Red with my logo on it. I told him about the opening video, to which he stated "I know that song." Which of course he does, since it's his song (dcTalk). We got our picture taken with him and then I got to pray for him. I felt honored to be able to pray for someone who has the opportunity to influences so many believers. After talking with him I was talking to a brother there with my arm wrapped over his shoulder. I had no idea he was one of the main singers in Toby's band. We just talked about how awesome Elohim is and Toby's new song "City On Our Knees." My favorite song of his by the way. I'll try to remember to put it on this post when I'm done.

So how did what was on my heart, which I shared with Toby, effect others? About halfway through his performance he gave a testimony about what God was doing. He then repeated my words to an audience of several thousand people. Judging from the crowds reaction they were inspired. I had know idea he was going to do that, but Abba did. Abba, Eloheynu (our God), is an encourager. It just goes to show how our being obedient to Elohim (God) allows Him to touch more people than we are ever aware of. The numbers aren't what matters. Remember the 99 sheep and the one lost sheep in Matt 18:12

How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety andnine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

And Luke 15:7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and ninejust persons, which need no repentance.

Everyone matters to Eloheynu (our God). Everyone!

So be encourage, as I was encouraged. When we are obedient to Him, there is no limit to what He will do and to whom He will touch. After all, He is El Shaddai, The Almighty God.

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Adon (Lord) and Saviour Yeshua Mashiyach (Jesus Christ). To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amein. II Kefa (pet) 3:18.

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